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Getting diagnosed with HIV can be challenging and even scary, especially if you do not have all the facts or information you need. There is no right way to face an HIV diagnosis, but there is support available. It is incredibly important to find a healthcare provider you trust to have a conversation about finding support and starting treatment. The goal of HIV treatment is to get to undetectable, which means to lower the amount of HIV in your body so low that HIV cannot be found on a lab test. This does not mean that HIV is cured, but it can be treated. Although there is no cure for HIV, there are many treatment options to help get you to undetectable. Be open with your healthcare provider about your needs and lifestyle to find one that meets your long-term treatment goals. Use the links below to learn more about HIV facts and HIV education.
Starting or restarting treatment
Learn more about starting or restarting treatment or download the Treatment Guide for more information.
Terms you may hear
To help you manage your HIV, we have defined some key terms that might be helpful to know as you are starting and sticking with treatment.
Healthcare Support
Housing & Living Assistance
Social & Family
For healthcare professionals
Discover educational resources and insights about HIV care.